January 2012 Meeting Minutes

AAUW: Since 1881 AAUW Salisbury Branch: Since 1951
Winter Planning Meeting,
Thursday January 12, 2012 6:30 PM
Trinity Oaks Retirement Community
Second Floor, Special Events Room

The AAUW, Salisbury Branch met on Thursday January 12, 2012 at the Trinity Oaks Retirement Community at 6:30 PM in the Special Events Room. The following members were present: Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Holly Czuba, Kathy Taber, Billie Simmons, Kathy Pulliam, Harriet Murphy, Linda Hauze, Carol Cody, Becky Hammill, Nicole Sherrill-Corry, and Carolyn Blackman. The following members were absent: Brunetta Franklin, Dixie Scott, Lori Eberly, Nancy Bilson, Edith Alcorn, Greg Alcorn, Catrelia Hunter, Bonnie Hodges, Ann Medlin, Zebbie Bradley-Bondurant, Norma Goldman, Erma Scarlette, Elaine Stiller, Linda Kesler, Alyce Lanier, Renee McCachren, Lollie Streiff, Erma Scarlette, Jeannie Sherrill, Judy Grissom, and Donna Wiseman.

Nicole Sherrill-Corry, Program Vice-President welcomed everyone to the meeting due to Brunetta Franklin being absent due to illness.

Kathy Pulliam, Secretary, presented the minutes from November and December 2011. A motion was made by Harriet Murphy and seconded by Billie Simmons to accept the November minutes as presented. A motion was made by Eileen Hanson-Kelly and seconded by Carol Cody to accept the December minutes as corrected. Both motions passed.

Committee Reports:


Nicole reported on the plans for the Annual Brunch in April 2012 at the Salisbury Country Club. Right now the price per person is $18.00 and this reflects what our menu choice has been. During discussion the group felt a simpler menu such as bacon and eggs may be the way to go, as there was concern over last year’s choice of the breakfast casserole. The group also asked Nicole to check into other facilities that provide meals for the 2013 Brunch such as Trinity Oaks. She said she would and would report back at the May Planning Meeting.

Nicole said that we still needed to secure a place to have the Annual Picnic in June 2012. City Park had been suggested since it was in the city and a bit more central for everyone. Another suggestion by Carolyn Blackmon was Rufty Holmes Senior Center. There are covered picnic facilities there with ample parking and the facility is open on Thursday evenings. There are rooms with kitchen use if the weather is an issue as it was in 2011.There is no cost to use Rufty Holmes only a donation of your choice. Nicole said that she would check on Rufty Holmes since it was everyone’s first choice. Debbie Suggs will cater the Picnic as she did last year.


Kathy Pulliam reported that she had received a NCCWSL scholarship application from Allison Andrews, a sophomore Theatre Education major from Catawba College and that Sara Coon, a junior Theatre major from Catawba College, was in the process of filling her application out. Both young women were very interested in attending the conference and both had worked in leadership capacities at high school and college. Kathy Taber said that she would make sure a press release would run in the Salisbury Post concerning the NCCWSL scholarship. The deadline for applying is February 29, 2012.

Discussion then began on the upcoming position vacancies of Program Vice-President and Treasurer. Eileen was interested in repeating as Treasurer and Holly Czuba was interested in the Program Vice-President if she could have a co-chair. Everyone thought that to be fine, so Nicole agreed to repeat Program Vice-President as a co-chair.


Holly reported on the upcoming screening of Miss Representation on Saturday January 21, 2012. Posters had been placed around town and several people took posters to put in additional places. Holly had 80 tickets printed and some had already been sold online. Several members took tickets to sell and this would be their responsibility to make sure the tickets were sold or returned for selling at the door on Saturday. Holly would be discussing the final details with Robert Jones from Lee Street Theatre on January 14th and she would be having a conference call with the folks from Miss Representation for discussion purposes prior to the screening. The projector is ready along with a back up if necessary. It was felt that selling concessions would be an asset to the project. Holly had a list of those interested in providing baked goods to sell. Eileen agreed to get candy to sell and Carol Cody said that she would get the soft drinks and water. Others signed up after the meeting. It was suggested to sell concessions for $1, as this would make it easy. Holly asked that everything be bagged in sandwich bags as this would make selling concessions much easier and it was suggested to put a $1 worth in each bag whether it was cookies or something like party mix.

Finance/Public Policy:

Eileen passed out copies of the Financial Report to everyone.

Carol suggested we might want to eat at Trinity Oaks prior to our meeting as Altrusa does instead of providing refreshments. She said the meal was very good and was quite reasonable at $10.00 per person. It was suggested to revisit the idea of a meal at the May Planning meeting.

Eileen asked if we wanted to provide a gift to Trinity Oaks for their graciousness throughout our meetings? Kathy Pulliam suggested that we give two copies of Sketches to their library that the residents use. Everyone agreed that was a good idea since we had plenty of copies available.

Eileen had reports concerning Public Policy for everyone to look at. The NC Public Policy dealt with Pilot Project of which our focus is “Strengthen/Enforce Title IX”. Becky Hammill, Brunetta, and Holly are receivers of information concerning this focus and will receive updates and alerts and take appropriate actions. Eileen is a sender and she will monitor legislative action on this focus and alert AAUW members through the state network. Two national policies Eileen talked briefly about were Social Security and Violence Against Women. She encouraged all of us to be active regarding these.

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