AAUW November 12, 2016 Meeting

Salisbury Branch AAUW First United Church of Christ 207 W. Horah Street Salisbury, NC

November 12,  2015

Members present were:

Ruby Walker, Harriet Murphy, Linda Hauze, Dr. Patricia Trueblood, Kathy Pulliam, Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Rev. Carol Hallman, and Dr.  Carol Cody

Guests were:

Ed Hanson-Kelly

Dr. Carol Cody, President, welcomed everyone to the meeting. She turned the meeting over to Dr. Trueblood who introduced our guest speaker, Jane Taylor of the Battered Women’s Movement specifically with Safer Alliance Victim  System. She centered her discussion on Human  Trafficking.

Jane had a very informative program on Human Trafficking/Domestic Violence. She said that  any woman being kept in an abusive situation   outside their will is similar to human trafficking. Human Trafficking is a national  issue and could also be thought of as “modem day slavery”. Women

being kept under control and for profit are found in factories, agriculture (field work), brothels, street comers (child soldiers) and private homes. The most common businesses having human trafficking are agriculture, construction, garment & textiles, restaurants and sex industry. It is mostly forced labor with 21 million world-wide involved.

She then went over who are the traffickers . It can be anybody- large scale groups, same nationality, diplomatic families, government authorities and small/large business. Each case is unique but the main motive is the person being forced, cohersed or frauded into making money. There can be physical violation, blackmail and forced sex as ways of doing the above.

Jane said that there are things we can do to help with this problem of human trafficking. We can learn about the issue and be proactive by finding out  what companies use child labor and not buy from them. We can be aware of people and their behaviors especially if they show signs of abuse and we can be involved with our legislature to promote industry that does condone  human  trafficking.  Discussion followed  after Jane’s talk.


The minutes of the October meeting were approved. A motion by Harriet Murphy and seconded by Eileen Hanson-Kelly was made to accept the minutes as presented.

Treasurer’s and Financial Report- Eileen Hanson-Kelly reported that there is a total of $3,392.47 in checking and $2,000.00 in the CD making our total

$5,392.47. She had written a check for $135.00 for the Goldman Scholars Christmas gifts of Downtown Dollars. Norma Goldman would be sending these to the scholars. There were no major changes regarding finances.

New Business- Dr. Moland suggested Dr. Duncan as a contact for us to Livingstone College. Itwas felt by all that we need to continue our relationship with them and it would be good to establish a contact with a person who could be their leader. Livingstone can have 2 national members as an affiliate and their women students are eligible for student memberships. Carol suggested that we postpone until next year the Start Smart program that we were going to host until we get our new contact with them established.

NCCSWL- Applicants have until the end of February to submit their forms for our scholarships. Eileen reminded everyone that early registration for the conference is mid-April. We have the potential for four students interested in the conference this year.

Programs- The programs for the rest of the year are: January- Winter Planning at FUCC, February- Dr. Spalding at RCCC, March 12th- Barbara Mallet at the 9:00 AM Brunch which will be catered by Debbie Suggs at FUCC. Eileen will check into the catering. April- Trinity Oaks with Book Group, May- Annual Planning at FUCC and June- Goldman Picnic Rufty­ Holmes Picnic Shelter.

Education/LAP- Kathy Pulliam reported that STEM continued to be a main emphasis for AAUW nationally. Goldman Scholarship- Will be meeting later to select scholars. Public Policy- Eileen gave a brief report on the Violence Against Women Act.Publicity- Need to continue to add items to the website as they become available.Membership-Eileen reminded members of half-prie memberships ($24.50) to those who attend a meeting as a perspective member. Hospitality- Thanks to those who provided refreshments at tonight’s meeting- Linda Hauze and Dr. Catrelia Hunter. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Kathy Pulliam, Secretary


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