Thursday, January 10, 2013
Trinity Oaks Retirement Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Edith Alcorn, Nancy Bilson, Carol Cody, Holly Czuba, Brunetta Franklin (President), Becky Hammill, Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Linda Hauze, Kyndall Moore, Kathy Pulliam, Billie Simmons, Kathy Taber, Ruby Walker
WELCOME: President Franklin welcomed the members and shared the agenda for the evening. She then shared a thank you letter from the Family Crisis Council for contributions made.
MINUTES: Carol A. Cody, Secretary distributed and reviewed minutes of the October and November 2012 meetings and corrections were made. Kathy Pulliam moved to accept the October minutes as corrected and the motion received a second from Holly Czuba. Kathy Taber made a motion that the November minutes be approved as presented and the motion received a second from Nancy Bilson. Motions passed.
FINANCE: Eileen Hanson-Kelly presented the financial report a copy of which was offered for the record. Discussion included the appropriate distribution of $168.00 acquired from sales of the Sketches and Note Cards and $111.57 from CD interest.
MEMBERSHIP: Eileen Hanson-Kelly and Becky Hammill discussed the availability of membership funding through the Shape the Future program with funds earmarked for memberships resulting from attendance at public events. This is a vehicle for recruiting new members and receiving free memberships. Funds would pay half of the National dues on joining. It was reported that the Salisbury Branch currently has 2 free memberships available to be used in any way deemed necessary but the application needs to be completed by June 30, 2013
PROGRAMS: Holly Czuba discussed the forum and networking event planned for March and requested volunteers to assist with this program. She expressed a desire to identify and invite high school and college girls who might be interested in attending this meeting. She stated she will send an e-mail requesting volunteers closer to the date.
Holly also discussed refreshments for the event and it was agreed that members will contribute bake goods for the event.
Kathy Taber stated she will submit a press release and she requested that information be provided for this. It was decided that Time Out and the Coffee News be explored as possible vehicles for information dissemination.
Holly discussed the annual brunch (April) and the consensus of the membership was that if the pricing and buffet remain the same that the brunch should remain at the Country Club. Holly is working on a history of the AAUW-Salisbury Branch for the brunch.
Kyndall Moore and Ruby Walker volunteered to assist with the brunch.
Holly reported that the annual, picnic will be June 13, 2013 as scheduled and will be catered by Debbie Suggs.
PUBLIC POLICY: Eileen discussed the AAUW 2 Minute Activist and encouraged members to respond to the alerts and discussed the importance of lobbying for issues. Two issues discussed in particular included that of “entitlements” and the upcoming violence against women act.
Eileen reported that April 9, 2013 will be the 50th Anniversary of Equal Pay Day and she reminded members that pay continues to be inequitable and that women coming out of college continue to make less than male colleagues.
She informed members that there will be a webinar discussing North Carolina tax reform and will address recommendations for fixing Social Security. AAUW supports raising the cap.
President Franklin led a discussion concerning locations for future meetings and 3 potential sites were identified including Home Instead, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and the YMCA. Holly Czuba agreed to contact both the YMCA and Home Instead for information.
President Franklin reported that there will be some changes for AAUW this next year including a new logo and new website both of which will be available on February 21, 2013.
The membership discussed ways to advertise NCCWSL and several suggestions were made including asking Allison for contact names, submitting information to the Salisbury Post, putting information on the branch website, and talking to friends. President Franklin also reported that AAUW is offering returnees to the NCCWSL conference an opportunity to win a free trip and interested individuals can get further information from either the AAUW National or AAUW NC websites.
President Franklin shared information about a national program on suffrage (Suffrage Centennial Celebration) to be sponsored by the National AAUW. The film “Iron Jawed Angels” will also be a feature of this event. Linda Copeland and a few others from the Rowan County Family Crisis Council will be driving to attend this event. President Franklin conveyed a shared message from Linda which offered a carpooling opportunity in case anyone from the Salisbury AAUW Branch was interested in attending with them.
President Franklin stated that she had received a call from a third grade teacher in Rowan County requesting permission to use the Sketches of Old Rowan to develop a video presentation for elementary school students with the goal of encouraging them take pride in their community and learn the history of Rowan County. The membership then discussed the history of the development of the Sketches and the current legal status and it was decided that Kathy Taber would talk with her husband about the copyright process and Kyndall Moore will consult a friend regarding the legal stipulations affecting the copyright. It was also suggested that the Salisbury Post be contacted about a letter releasing rights to the Sketches. It was agreed that the teacher be given permission to use the Sketches but with whatever legal stipulations are determined. More to follow in the future when Kathy and Kyndall explore the copyright and legal concerns
President Franklin reported she had received a call from a potential member, Kate Petherick, and will follow-up with her.
AAUW NC annual meeting will be held in Burlington this year but there are no details available as yet.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned by President Franklin.
Carol A Cody PhD