NCCWSL Benefit & Holiday Covered Dish Dinner

Last night AAUW Salisbury got together for our annual NCCWSL Benefit and Holiday Covered Dish Dinner.

We had some fantastic entertainment, a harpist, and a presentation on the uses (past & present of aprons).  Here are some of the pictures from the event.

Covered Dish Dinner Meeting,
Friday December 9, 2011 6:30 PM
Hidden Creek Clubhouse

The AAUW, Salisbury Branch met on Friday December 9, 2011 at the Hidden Creek Clubhouse at 6:30 PM. Brunetta Franklin, President, welcomed everyone to the meeting. The following members were present: Brunetta Franklin, Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Holly Czuba, Nancy Bilson, Kathy Taber, Billie Simmons, Edith Alcorn, Greg Alcorn, Kathy Pulliam, Harriet Murphy, Linda Hauze, Carol Cody, Erma Scarlette, Bonnie Hodges, and Elaine Stiller. The following members were absent: Dixie Scott, Lori Eberly, Carolyn Blackman, Zebbie Bradley-Bondurant, Norma Goldman, Catrelia Hunter, Ann Medlin, Linda Kesler, Alyce Lanier, Becky Hammill, Renee McCachren, Lollie Streiff, Nicole Sherrill-Corry, Judy Grissom, Jeannie Sherrill, and Donna Wiseman.

Guests were: Ed Kelly, Dick Smith, Herb Maier, Joyce Ingram, Watson Murphy, and Faith Alessio.

Harriet Murphy introduced tonight’s entertainment, Faith Alessio, harpist and Joyce Ingram, who gave the program later during the meeting. Watson Murphy gave the blessing and everyone enjoyed the dinner. Faith played a variety of pieces for the harp including Christmas songs while everyone ate their dinner.

Brunetta held a brief business meeting before the program. Holiday Night Out held the Saturday after Thanksgiving in Downtown Salisbury was successful for us. We had an information table and people could find out about AAUW. Brunetta thanked Holly Czuba for all her work on this and the website. Senders and receivers was still being worked on by the NCAAUW, but hopefully up and going in the New Year. Brunetta said that the NCCWSL application form was ready to go out and copies were available for members to take. We will be sending two young women to the NCCWSL Conference this year. Donations were also taken up for the NCCWSL scholarships that we give in June for the conference. There being no further business, we proceeded with the program.

Harriet introduced our speaker, Joyce Ingram who gave an informative program on aprons. She said this program should stir up memories from those who remember their grandmothers and mothers wearing aprons while cooking, working, etc in the house as she showed a variety of aprons to the group.

Some highlights were: Most women wore aprons as they worked in the house as they helped to keep their dresses clean. Aprons were kept on a nail or wooden peg when not in use in the kitchen. White aprons were worn when a special guest like the minister came calling. Many aprons were made of 3 clean feed sacks as well as old shirts and no two were alike. Aprons could hold a variety of items in their pockets or bibs such as pins, clothespins, handkerchiefs, snuff cans, and papers. One could tell what kind of work a woman had done that day by just looking at the stains and spots left on an apron. Aprons could be flapped up and down to “cool one off during a hot flash” or to signal someone to come in. Joyce ended by saying “Apron strings can never be cut because their memories will always remain”. An apron was given as a door prize. Harriet thanked both Faith and Joyce for being at our meeting and gave then each a copy of “Sketches of Old Rowan”.

Brunetta thanked everyone for coming and special thanks were given to Harriet and Watson Murphy as our hosts for the evening. A card and poinsettia were presented to them.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45.