Honoring the Legacy, Embracing the Future – Public Policy Challenges Ahead | October 13, 2011

Speaker | Eileen Hanson-Kelly

Meeting Minutes:

AAUW: Since 1881 AAUW Salisbury Branch: Since 1951
Membership Meeting,
Thursday October 13, 2011 6:30 PM
Trinity Oaks Retirement Community
Second Floor, Special Events Room

The AAUW, Salisbury Branch met on Thursday October 13, 2011 at the Trinity Oaks Retirement Community at 6:30 PM in the Special Events Room. Brunetta Franklin, President, welcomed everyone to the meeting. The following members were present: Brunetta Franklin, Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Holly Czuba, Nancy Bilson, Billie Simmons, Edith Alcorn, Greg Alcorn, Kathy Pulliam, Harriet Murphy, Jeannie Sherrill, Linda Hauze, Carol Cody, Becky Hammill, Lollie Streiff, and Judy Grissom. The following members were absent: Dixie Scott, Lori Eberly, Carolyn Blackman, Kathy Taber, Zebbie Bradley-Bondurant, Norma Goldman, Catrelia Hunter, Ann Medlin, Erma Scarlette, Bonnie Hodges, Elaine Stiller, Linda Kesler, Alyce Lanier, Renee McCachren, Nicole Sherrill-Corry, Kathy Taber, Erma Scarlette, and Donna Wiseman.
Guests were: Mark Perry, Emily Yost, and Vicky Slusser.

Eileen Hanson-Kelly presented the program titled “Honoring the Legacy, Embracing the Future- Public Policy Changes Ahead” which dealt with the changes in this country toward women and girls and celebrating the legacy of AAUW and the Salisbury Branch. The following members- Brunetta, Carol Cody, and Kathy Pulliam helped Eileen out with a reading on the History of AAUW. It all begin with 17 like-minded women in 1881 who had defied society’s standards by earning college to now a membership of over 100,000 women who have influenced and shaped the debate over equity in education. The original title was the Association of Collegiate Alumnae and this group was instrumental in several causes such as endorsing the woman suffrage movement in 1918, and pay equity in US Civil Service jobs. In 1921 the merger of the Southern Association of College Women and ACA formed the American Association of University Women. Since 1921 many note-worthy events have occurred with AAUW support such as the establishment of the Education Foundation, the passage of Title IX, hosting National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL), and promoting STEM projects (science, technology, engineering, math) for women and girls. The new AAUW slogan is “Because Equity is Still an Issue” and that in spite of great progress made in gender equity, issues remain and the need is still there. Eileen stressed that in 130 years we have a great history, made great accomplishments, and done great projects.

The program continued with Edith Alcorn presenting the accomplishments done by the Salisbury Branch since its establishment 60 years ago. Some highlights are: founding the Great Books discussions in cooperation with the Rowan Public Library and Delta Kappa Gamma in 1958, publishing the “Sketches of Old Rowan” by Aubrey Atkinson (artist) and George Raynor (script) in 1960, administrating the Goldman Scholarship in 1965, securing a Eleanor Roosevelt Teach Enrichment Sabbatical Fellowship in 1990, and offering monthly book discussions in 2003 and continuing today.

Carol stated that “NC AAUW History 1947-2001” by Clara B. Allen was an excellent resource for AAUW.

The final part of the program dealt with the Goldman Scholarship Fund with information provided by Norma Goldman via Mark Perry. This fund was established in 1965 with memorials from the community and Goldman family upon the death of Mrs. Helen S. Goldman. Gifts and memorials were made in later years following the deaths of Julius L. Goldman, Sylvia Goldman Feit, and Joe Goldman. The scholarship is administered by the AAUW, Salisbury Branch with the money being awarded to local young women for college tuition costs. The foundation board is responsible for this. The fund contains over $300,000 and from those funds 9 young women are receiving scholarships for 2011-2012. The scholarships are renewable each year.

Eileen summed up by saying that AAUW accomplishments are making a difference nationally as well as locally. There are still issues with equity in pay, women CEO’s in Fortune 500 businesses, and the number of women in Congress. These along with other items are reflected in the AAUW Federal Policy Agenda. As always, the foundation for the advancement of women and girls is education and this should always be a priority.

Before the Business part of the meeting the refreshment break was held and Edith Alcorn and Holly Czuba provided the refreshments.

Kathy Pulliam, Secretary, presented the minutes and made a correction. A motion was made by Harriet Murphy and seconded by Billie Simmons to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion passed.

Financial Report:
Eileen Hanson-Kelly, Treasurer, reported that the balance on hand was $3,702.30 in the checking account and $2,075.17 in the CD making our total $5,777.47 as of October 13. There was an income of $125.00 from dues and the expense was a check written for a scholarship to Morgan Grissom for $500.00. Brunetta reported that the Goldman Foundation Board had also agreed to send Morgan $500.00 as well.

Becky Hammill said that there were 30 paid memberships in our branch and this was the report from national. Membership cards were given to everybody present.

Holly Czuba gave a brief review of the Spin classes at the YMCA. These classes are aerobic bike classes and Brunetta attested that you would certainly get a good workout with Holly leading the class. Brunetta encouraged other Y members to try it out. Holly also said she was in the process of setting up a website for Salisbury Branch and will send out the info later on.

New Business:
Brunetta gave an overview of the Mid-State Cluster meeting that was held in Statesville, NC at Mitchell Community College on October1, 2011. Regarding the Public Policy Pilot Program, each branch will adopt one state and national legislation issue to advocate for. We will act as lobbyists along side state representatives. There will be designated branch senders who will check websites daily such as Washington Update and then send emails out to branch receivers who will keep informal notes of what was either attempted or achieved regarding the issues and send out the info to branch members as well as state representatives to encourage them to vote for pertinent issues adopted by the branch. Eileen had agreed to be a sender and Brunetta along with Becky will be receivers. Brunetta asked everyone to consider our interests and decide at a later meeting our issues we want to adopt and if others would like to be senders and receivers. The NC Lit & Hist Awards were questioned as to whether NC AAUW wanted to continue with this. Presently a pewter cup is given to the recipient. It was suggested at the meeting that maybe an engraved crystal bowl be given instead as it is a nice way to award an author. UNCC has a small collection of the books and other libraries do as well. Brunetta suggested that we could have a sticker award to be placed on the books as they are presented to libraries here in Rowan County. NC AAUW Mini grants totaling $2,400.00 is available. Branches and members can request up to $500 and must be used to support AAUW mission. Five new members have been seated, which completes the slate of officers needed for the Nominating Committee.

NCCWSL will run May 31, 2012- June 2, 2012 at the University of Maryland. We have funds available to send two rising juniors in college. Brunetta encouraged branch members to get the word out and get young women to send in their applications.

Other business:
Since Harriet has moved, her house will not be available for use for the December Christmas Party. They do have a clubhouse at their new home and she could reserve the use of it but the date would need to change to Friday December 9th. Everyone felt this would be suitable but Brunetta would send an email out to everyone.

Eileen suggested that a phone tree would be a nice way to get in touch with absent members. A personal call letting a member know they were missed would maybe encourage them to attend. Those interested in doing this along with Eileen are Edith Alcorn, Billie Simmons, Harriet Murphy, Nancy Bilson, and Becky Hammill.

Brunetta thanked Ann Medlin along with any others who had a part in the putting together of the yearbook. She said she always receives positive comments about it when she attends state AAUW events.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15.